WorldClim 2.1 provides downscaled estimates of climate and bioclimate variables as monthly means over the period of 1970-2000 based on interpolated station measurements.
Application showing the one meter topobathymetric digital elevation model for Lake Powell, Arizona-Utah, 1947-2018. Change the lake surface offset to visualize drought conditions.
How Similar Are We? Calculate and display how similar other US Census Tracts are to a user selected Tract. The similarity analysis consists of comparing 17 attributes grouped into three categories (Age, Race, & Housing).
Follow a waterdrop’s downstream journey and show details about the current watershed and river segment, then show the sum total of key demographics since the water drop’s journey began.
Analyze and rank suitable locations based on distance to infrastructure including airports, cities, power grid, and substations. Distances are dynamically remapped and weighted, and each individual results is then dynamically weighted to calculate t...
Volunteers from NAPSG and GISCorps and the public upload photos found on social media and news outlets to provide situational awareness of on-the-ground conditions before, during, and after disasters.
Use JS API blendModes to dynamically display different basemaps over an area of interest calculated as a Service Area and list OSM shops within that area of interest.
Eutrophication is a harmful process driven by enrichment of water by nutrients and leading to increased biomass of algae and water quality degradation. This application displays the locations along the coasts where eutrophication rates were higher th...
World map displaying atmospheric measurements of pressure and temperature. Dataset derived from radio occultation data acquired in 2019 by GeoOptics, Inc.
Lidar provides a fascinating glimpse into the landscape of the Jack and Laura Dangermond Preserve. Virtually tour the preserve by travelling over pre-defined routes, interesting viewpoints, or interactively.
Learn how we use satellites, discover major satellite constellations, and explore various types of orbits with this interactive 3D visualization of active satellites orbiting the Earth.
Display the New York City 2015 Street Tree Census and filter by species and diameter. Interactively discover details about the biggest local trees, most common tree type, and average size.
This is a touch and mouse friendly application for browsing past and present Landsat satellite imagery hosted by USGS. Create multiple windows based on time and theme at any location around the world.
Where is the most distant point from land? What altitude does the highest permanent human settlement have? Who was the first to reach the lowest point on Earth? Find out with this app!
An experimental app where cities are visualized as hand drawn. 3D models of cities like San Francisco, New York and Paris are rendered using sketch edges with ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Analyze visibility by dynamically placing Blue Lights on a campus map. Visibility is calculated using the building footprint geometries and other local obstructions.
ArcGIS Platform - Commercial Real Estate Site Selection
This demo was created to show how Esri can provide a competitive showcase for application developers who want to use the ArcGIS Platform GeoEnrichment Service. This application shows developers and users how to integrate the GeoEnrichment Service for...
This ArcGIS Platform demo is specific to the Utilities industry and is an example of how users can more easily make the association between what is provided by the ArcGIS Platform and their respective workflows. The story addresses a response to a da...
This demo shows an example of the kinds of apps Mapbox GL JS developers can build using location services and hosted content from ArcGIS Platform. The demonstration locates hospitals near any address or place in the US and provides driving directions...
This web application shows the available basemaps in the ArcGIS Platform. Multiple synchronized views allow for the easy comparison of basemaps at the same location. Sample layers show how basemaps affect the visualization of the data displayed in a...
200 million years of paleogeographic history of tectonic plate movement. This set of 41 paleo-elevation models (DEM) represent the changing paleogeography of the oceans and continents back to 200 million years ago (the beginning of the Jurassic Perio...
Enter your ZIP code, city, or point of interest into the app’s search to see how many stores people there can reach in a 10-minute walk or drive. Interactive charts update as you move around the map. How does grocery access differ with neighboring ar...
View police complaints for the first quarter of 2019 and filter the complaints by time using a date range and by location using an interactive spatial filter of half a mile.
View four types of interactive Infographics for candidate sites. Discover relevant information about a location via the Key Facts, Employment, Commute, and Skyscrapper Infographics.
View ACS information for candidate sites. Each ACS category provides relevant information via key statistics and charts. Users can select a category to update the map display.
This application references a single map (containing Esri’s imagery basemap) and four views. Specifically one 2d view and three 3d views. The app continuously synchronizes each view’s center point at each frame render.
An operations dashboard of recent USGS earthquakes using Esri curated content provided by the USGS Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) program. Users can filter the events based on time and type which then drive an indicator ...
Overlay NOAA projected heat events and CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) which uses U.S. Census data to determine the social vulnerability of every county. The SVI ranks each county on 15 social factors, including poverty, lack of vehicle access...
Calculate the extent of new lake reservoirs by using elevation information available client-side. We use an iterative process to extend the candidate areas to process until all possible connections are discovered.
Visualize and interact with layers showing the airspace in 3D in the US using 2D FAA services. We dynamically calculate the altitude and height of the airspaces using current attributes for each feature
Visualize and interact with the Kilauea Volcano and cauldron before and after using a Point Cloud of over 500M points from July 2018. Create elevation profiles to discover the change during the two time periods.
This application shows how we can track and visualize hospital assets in 3D. A simulated feed is used to show the current location of the assets as they move around the campus. We can filter the assets feed based on a floor level, view the counts by...
Find accessible WiFi locations along a route in Manhattan. The analysis considers a WiFi location to be accessible if it's visible from within a maximum range of 100 meters and local ground and buildings are considered obstructions to visibility.
Application showing the difference between daytime and resident population in Manhattan. Each figure represents a block group and the color represents the predominant category. Green figures represents block groups where we have more daytime populati...
Interactively investigate the change in vegetation using Landsat 8 imagery available in the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World by selecting from the available before and after dates for any location in the world.
Display multiple views in various projected coordinate systems. Overlay a grid, circles, or interactive ellipse to learn how each projection distortion affects the geometric shapes.
Display, filter, and summarize all the USGS earthquakes for the last month. Dynamic statistics are calculated for a specific time range for all earthquakes, the current map extent, and/or a user defined area of interest.
The NASA GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GIS Temp) is one of primary datasets for analyzing monthly and annual statistics for global temperature and climate change.
Display critical infrastructure assets affected by sea level rise using an interactive slider that represents water levels based on data and services from NOAA's Digital Coast.
This app show the flow migration of population from US states between 2015 and 2016. This is based on tax returns filed through the IRS. The map also includes two layers that show the outflow of population from all states. The flow lines gives a repr...
Compare 6 high tide flooding probability scenarios from 2000 to 2100. High tide flooding today mostly affects low-lying and exposed assets or infrastructure, such as roads, harbors, beaches, public storm-, waste- and fresh-water systems and private a...
With the help of Clark Labs, you can see 30 years into the future, to the predicted land cover of the world. A series of new analytical layers are available in ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World that show predicted land cover in the year 2050 along wit...
This application allows users to dynamically inspect the status of a job site over various construction phases and times using orthorectified images, integrated meshes, and building scene layers.
This map represents lava flow and earthquake information during the month of May 2018 in the island of Hawaii. Use a 3 hour time window to properly understand the progression of the lava flow and earthquakes during this time period.
A map of NOAA projected heat events showing the total number of days where the temperature will be greater than 95 degrees for every year between 1950 and 2099. The LOCA climate projection data were provided by the Northeast Regional Climate Center a...
This web app shows the cumulative index of 11 climate hazards: warming, drought, heatwaves, fires, precipitation, floods, storms, water scarcity, sea level rise, and changes in natural land cover and ocean chemistry.